I also took the curtains down, washed them and rehung them in slightly different places.

In the meantime, I wanted to completely move the vanity, dresser & everything on those walls. A little tid-bit about my bedroom walls... They are solid concrete with some sort of plaster coating over them, so if you put a nail or a screw into those walls, it won't hold well, so they are a bitch to hang shelves on. We really rigged the shelves that we had up pretty crazily. So, I figured it was time for them to go.
Yup, I moved my Yankees Boys art to my bedroom. You might remember it from the living room reveal post. I decided I wanted it in my room because the black & white theme is actually in my bedroom, not in the living area. I want a new piece of art for the hallway wall.

And then there's the vanity. I moved her to the wall where the dresser was.

I feel like the room flows really well this way. I'm happy with it!
Another thing I never got to show you guys is the art we got for the new bathroom. Remember that bare orange wall? She's not bare anymore!

Don't mind the crazy angles. It's really hard to take pictures in that little bathroom!
Both art pieces are from IKEA... dur. Like I'd go anywhere else?! You can view them both on IKEA's website here & here. The second I laid my eyes on them, I knew where they were meant to go! They match the shower curtain so perfectly, it's almost like they were meant to go with that shower curtain. Hell, maybe they are!
We also added this little guy to the tub...

Naturally, Gracie loves him! Since she's the one who takes the most baths in this house, she gets to sit on him and play in the tub even longer now since he's so soft and cushiony.
Ok, this isn't house related but I just need to share these last two pictures with you guys. My cat Max (named after Gracie's favorite show Max & Ruby) sleeps like a human. Everyday. I'm not kidding.

He even sleeps with his mouth open, like Paul does.

I swear, this cat is a human in a cats body. Sometimes we joke & say he's Paul's dad, reincarnated to watch over us... or sometimes we say he's my bestfriend Brandon, who died a year ago, Monday. Max won't be a year old till July, so maaaaybe. ;) Either way, he's so unique & silly & gosh I just love him as if he were my own child. He's so special to me. <3