So, last Sunday we had our Gender Reveal Party, which had a lot of surprises to say the least. Lots of guests I wasn't expecting to be there surprised me, which was awesome! I was so happy to see everyone come out and celebrate baby #2 with us. As shown on the invitations, I only asked people to bring diapers instead of gifts since it wasn't a baby shower. Boy, did I get diapers! I got hundreds! At least 20 packages (boxes/bags) of diapers and a bunch of wipes too! I was so grateful!
Anyway, I'm sure the big question for this post is,
"So, is it a boy or a girl?!" Welp. First, here is the cake I had made. I absolutely loved it. Publix did a stand up job!

And on the inside of the cake, it revealed that baby #2 is a...

GIRL! I was in such shock I seriously cried for a good two hours. Honestly, I had totally made myself convinced it was a boy, that when I saw pink icing, I was in complete disbelief. I'll be honest and say I was disappointed, as I've said a zillion times, I really was hoping for a boy and since this is going to be our final attempt at having a baby, I knew my chances for a little man had come to an end. I felt so selfish for being disappointed and started to snap out of feeling defeated. I'll tell you one thing though, Gracie is absolutely thrilled! I've never seen her so excited, other than when she goes to Disney. She's so looking forward to having a little sister and in a few years sharing her room with her. So, there's that!
By the time Monday came around I was over it and was starting to feel excitement for another little girl. The most important thing is that this little girl was meant to be here and more importantly, she's healthy! The universe is telling me that this is how it's meant to be. So, now I'm happy about everything. Paul and I have decided on a name. I'm not going to post it until she's born though, so you'll have to wait till July to find that out.
Anyway, I will say though, the first letter in her name is L. So, till she's born I'll be referring to her as Baby L during posts. :) Speaking of Baby L, she's been kicking the entire time I've been making this post. I think she's saying hello! ;)