October 23, 2013

Little girls are love

Yesterday, Lily turned 3 months old and had her monthly checkup. Her dr says shes a month ahead on everything for her age. He's amazed at how she's already trying to crawl and scoot across the floor. She can already turn herself in a complete circle when shes on her tummy. It's pretty unreal! I love watching her discover new things everyday. We also learned she has colic. I also had colic as a baby, so maybe it's because I also had it? She has had some issues with sleeping alone the past few weeks due to it. But, last night she slept in her crib all night long without any issues. I'm so glad! I enjoy being able to move around in my bed without having to worry about disturbing her or anything. She's such a happy smiling baby too. I've never seen a baby smile so much in my life! Just seeing her smile, lights up everyone around her. She's so sweet!

Since finding out about her colic, I went on the ol google hunt for help. Which led me to Gripe Water. The following day, after a long night of no sleeping we went out and got some, which I now refer to as magic water. As soon as it was in her, like seconds, it was working. Her hiccups (which she gets two times a day, at least) are gone and shes no longer in any kind of gas pain. This stuff really is magical! I highly recommend it to fellow moms whose babies are colicky. Believe me, you'll thank me later.

Gracie's birthday is right around the corner. We are having her 6th birthday party at Laser Tag this year. She's been asking to do this for about two years now. When Jordan had his party there two years ago, she told us she needed to have her 6th birthday party there too. She has every birthday party planned for the next 3 years, in her head. haha. She's so funny! Next year is Legoland!

This week I need to get Lily's 3 month photos done. I have a bunch of ideas, I just need to get it done! Fingers crossed it doesn't take me three weeks. lol

Anyway, that's it for now. Currently marathon-ing through Revenge season 2 on Netflix. Love this show!