February 2, 2012

a little retail therapy goes a long way

One thing is for sure I needed a good shopping trip to change my mood for the better. I've been in a bit of a slump lately because of a lot of personal things going on. Don't worry it's nothing close to life or death but a lot on me mentally. Paul & I have been trying to get pregnant for over a year now & I just have felt so down in dumps because of it. We want a little bundle of joy to add to our family! But, I know that when I least expect it I'll be totally shocked with a + sign, like I was when I got pregnant with Gracie. I cried and cried for weeks because I wanted to be pregnant so badly & then I gave up and a week later, I took a test and I was pregnant! I couldn't believe it. Gracie came to me right when I needed her the most. :) I bet that happens again... or so I hope!

Anyway, I dropped Gracie off at my parent's house this morning & Paul & I went about 35 or so minutes outta town to a Outlet Mall & shopped our feet off! I got much need clothes & so did Paul. I haven't gone on a clothing shopping spree in I don't know how long. It felt so good to just spend a little bit on us for once! But don't you worry, we got Gracie new shoes & Jordan a new TB Rays (ewww ;P) fitted hat. They both were so excited!

Here are a few pictures of my goodies & one of the kiddies at Chili's tonight for dinner. Hover over for descriptions & click for bigger images.

So, when was the last time you went on a shopping spree? What did you buy? Where is your favorite place to shop? I have a busy weekend ahead of me, so I'll be back next week. Hope you all have a great weekend!