This is what we wanna put in our kitchen. Two floor to ceiling cabinets & a window bench. I can't wait till it's done!

Paul & I recently got the idea to start watching Mad Men, since we've always heard great things about it. It only took us a few days to make it to Season 4. I guess you can say, the hype is real, it's a greeeaaat show! I'm really looking forward to getting completely caught up & watching this season. I started DVRing it when it started a couple weeks ago, because I knew we'd catch up. If you haven't seen it, I high recommended it. If you have Netflix, it's even easier to watch it, which is what we did. Thanks Netflix! ;)
Other than that, we took Gracie to the Aquarium on Thursday while Jordan was in school. She's been asking us everyday for a couple weeks when we were going to take her again, so we decided on Tuesday we'd go. She had such a blast and like most of the kids that were there that day, she didn't wanna leave when it was time to go.

The best part about the Aquarium for the kids is the mini outside water park. It has a giant pirate ship that the kids can climb all over with a little water slide and lots of random water spots all around so the kids and run around and get cooled off. The kids love it!
Today is my cleaning day. The kids are with their grandparents for the weekend, like usual, which I appreciate because that means I can get everything put together for the next week. I gotta get all the laundry done, house cleaned & all that good stuff. I'll of course be doing all of this while the Yankees game is on. You don't think I'd miss a Yankees game do you? Not me! ;) Have a great weekend!