We left for Miami on Thursday (5/24) and stayed till Sunday (5/27). Before we left I got a knock at the door. It was the UPS man delivering my laptop! I was so happy that it came before we left, because no one would of been here to bring it in the house if it came on Friday or Saturday and who knows what would of happened to it. We loaded up the car with our things, Gracie, our cats Max & Ruby and our dogs Niko & Gloria and headed for my parents house to drop them off.
We finally got on the road around 11:30am for Miami. We actually stayed in Pompano Beach, which isn't that far from Miami. About 40 minutes or so. We stayed at the
Wyndham Palm-Aire Resort. It was ok. The room we got was pretty big, full kitchen, living room, dining room, master bedroom, two bathrooms. That part was good. The not so good part was the ants in the kitchen, the not so clean looking tub, the location of the room (they put us allll the way at the end of the building and it was a hike to get to and from anything), oh and the A/C in the master bedroom didn't work which resulted us into sleeping on the pullout sofa in the living room. How would I rate this place? 2.5 outta 5 stars. It would of been better if we had a better location & the A/C worked. Let's get to the pictures, shall we?
On our drive down we stopped at a Beef 'O Bradys. I got a cherry limeade. It was delish! Also here's a shot of the view of our hotel from the gate entry.

I took pictures of the hotel room, after we unpacked and messed the place up. Right after, I decided I probably should of taken pictures BEFORE we put our shit everywhere. Isn't that always the way? We didn't have much time between unpacking, getting ready to go & getting to the Marlins Ballpark for game 1 of our trip. So, yes, picture taking of the room at the right time fell at the waste sides. Oopsie.
But here's some shots on our way to Miami for the Marlins game & the view from our seats.

A view of the Marlins bench & the fish tank behind home plate. So cooool!! Also a shot of the "dinger machine" as Paul likes to call it aka the Home run Sculpture.

Something extra cool about Marlins Ballpark is the bobble head museum. Every bobble head you could imagine! Baseball related that is.

I of course had to take close ups of the Yankees bobble heads. I mean, of course I would. ;)

I'm one of those
'I-have-to-take-pictures-of-my-food' people (as you'll notice through out this update), so here's a picture of baseball park food. I heart baseball park food! Oh &&& the Marlins hit a homerun at the first game we went to (& the second game, but who's counting?) & when they hit homeruns the "dinger machine" lights up & dances & spins! Here she is all lit up!

Oh hey a picture of us! Paul said he did in fact smile in this picture or attempted to but my phone takes forever for the actual picture to snap so I got this semi-smile/I hate taking pictures face from him. ;P Also, a snap of Paul in front of the "dinger machine" sign. Oh & yes all of these pictures were taken with my Nokia, hence the crappy quality. My battery on my camera died the day we got to Miami. Like dead dead. Like can't be charged dead. Figures right?

On day two of our trip we headed to a local place called Dawg House (great, great food & locally owned!), checked out Dolphin Mall in Miami & went to another Marlins game. Excuse my stupid looking face. It's stupid. ;P Also bluuurry. lol.

Day three we decided we'd check out the pools at the Resort & play putt-putt golf, since it was complimentary! Here we are on the elevator heading to the pools. Paul once again smiled but yanno camera takes too long so I got this face. hahahha He's still cute to me, so IDC.

We thought we'd head to the Miami beaches for a little while before we went to the Marlins game, the closest we got was two blocks away. Traffic was awwwwffuuulll. No joke. Then on the way out of South beach, we sat in two hours of traffic due to a crazy person eating another mans face off on the overpass.
Read about it here. I couldn't make this stuff up.
We wound up missing the game due to traffic, so we went to a great ice cream place after we got back to Pompano Beach (that doesn't even promote their awesome ice cream skills on their website)
The Point Cafe. They put on a laser light show & dress as mad scientists & make the ice cream in a fun way. I got cotton candy ice cream with gummy worms! It was super cool. I took video too but my phone won't let me email it to myself, so I'll have to upload it from my phone somehow. Shrug.

Here are some random images of food we ate & shots of our drive to Miami.

Minus the random acts of crazy on our trip, ie: Ants in our hotel room, no A/C in the bedroom, traffic, traffic, traffic & a crazy man eating another mans face off, we had a really nice time. lol. No really, we did. We enjoyed the baseball games, the time alone & the quiet times when we could just sit and talk for hours.
That about sums up our mini-vacay to Miami/Pompano! 6 years down. Here's to another 6... and 6 more after that... and... yeah. You get it. Did I just type 666? Rawr, I'm dangerous! ;) If you made it through this entire post, comment & tell me. You deserve a hug or a brownie, or something. This ish is loong! <3