Ok, I don't really even know if a Vox Boxer is a real thing but I did get my first VoxBox from
Influenster this past week. I was so excited when I checked my mail and saw a little white box waiting for me. Here is what I got in my box...
Here is a play-by-play of how I rate everything I've tried so far... (can you tell I've been watching LOTS of Yankees baseball? hehe)
First up, the
Quaker Soft Baked Oatmeal Raisin cookie. Unfortunately, I don't like oatmeal or raisins so this rating isn't coming from me, but from Gracie. I asked Gracie what she thought about while she ate it and her answer was, 'Mmm, it's good! It's so soft and yummy!' So, there you have it, right from the mouth of a 4 year old. It's a win! I did happen to feel how soft the cookie was and it felt like a good cookie, but that's as far as I got. lol. But, hey it's a thumbs up from the kid!
Later that night, Paul & I had a cup of
Stash tea. Paul tried the
Blueberry Superfruit Herbal tea, which he says was really good but the one I had,
Pomegranate Raspberry Green tea was even better. I agree! He has also tried the
Acai Berry but says it was not very good. We still need to taste 3 other ones to finish the box taste test. Those ones are;
Yumberry Blackcurrent, Goji Berry Green, & Mangosteen Green. We'll probably try more tonight.
For three or so nights in a row I used the
Dentek Flossers & I gotta say that my mouth did feel cleaner. I've tried other flossers before mostly just store brand ones and I didn't notice much of a difference. So I'd say these flossers are pretty darn good! I'm going to have to check the price at Publix when we go shopping in a week. I might have to buy more!
I still need to test out the Ivory Soap Bar, the Impress press-on Manicure, Dino Lingo Language Set or the Nektar Honey Crystals. But, in time I'll have everything tested and will make another post about those.
I wanted to quickly mention that I received each product complimentary for testing purposes from Influenster. I was not paid, or anything of the like. I just got lucky enough to be selected to test these products. Thanks

In other news, we got a new kitty! Her name is Pepper... and she's pregnant. About 4 weeks or so... Cat pregnancies last about 6 weeks. So, we're almost there. We got Pepper in exchange for Niko, our dog. I had to get rid of Niko due to him constantly peeing all over Jordan's room. I don't know if it was a jealous thing or an attention thing but it has been going on for a looong time and I just couldn't deal with it anymore. Since trading pets I found out that Niko is much happier being the only animal in the house and gets lots of love & attention, so it's a win/win!
Hey, anyone want a kitten? ;) I can't wait to see what they look like!! So, about a week or two from now I'll be posting all about kittens!
I've also had my niece Taylor with me since Friday. I love when she comes and visits. She's staying with me till Wednesday for the 4th of July picnic at my parents house. Should be fun! So, if I don't post before Wednesday I hope everyone has a fabulous Independence Day! Stay safe & enjoy lots of great food & fireworks.
We're also hitting up the Tampa Yankees game on Tuesday for hot dogs, baseball & fireworks! Talk about a good time! :)