See what I mean? Not good. I'll be taking down all of those wall tiles, which will be replaced by bead board & molding. More on that in a second.
After I painted I lost interest FAST! My original plan was to draw a big mickey head on the main wall, the wall you face while using the toilet. Because really, everyone should be looking at Mickey Mouse when peeing, right? WRONG. Bad idea. I subconsciously must of agreed with that because I never wound up doing anything other than paint stripes. Didn't even add one Mickey picture to the walls. I was just so disgusted with the whole idea that I pretty much gave up on that bathroom & walked away from it. Every time I take a shower in there, I curse it. It just doesn't suit me at all!
In the past couple weeks, I went back to that bathroom with some new ideas, thanks of course to the almighty Pinterest & IKEA!
Here are a few of my ideas, that the hubs & I will be working on in the next week... as well as my handyman, aka my dad. Ha!
This is the decor I'll be putting in there, from the amazing Ikea!

Everything else, I'll have to go to Ikea to pick out because I'm really picky & like to see things in person before making a judgement call.
I'm really excited to get this project underway & to be able to share it here. Are you planning on redoing a room in your house? Where do you get your ideas from?