January 3, 2013

Happy New Year!

First, I hope everyone had a great and safe New Year, as well as a great Holiday season! Ours was especially special because right after Thanksgiving we found out I'm pregnant!! I honestly didn't believe it when the test showed two pink lines, so I freaked out and called my dr and made an appointment. After impatiently waiting for the weekend to speed by, the time finally came and I went to the dr who confirmed I was expecting! I cried and cried, I was so happy! I made sure to contact everyone in my family and inform them of the news & everyone is also just as excited as we are.

I'm due in late July. Unless the news we are waiting to hear about on Tuesday changes that due date. I took a fertility drug, since it took us nearly 3 years to get pregnant, and that increases my chances for twins to 80%, plus the fact that twins are strong on both sides of my family & I was also a twin (my twin brother died before I was born) so the chances of it being twins is very high! We would be happy with just one baby but two would be loved just the same! I have my monthly checkup on Monday and my sonogram on Tuesday. I gotta tell ya, I'm super excited! I couldn't wait for the holidays to end and the new year to start so that these appointment dates would get here. As long as there is one boy in my belly, I'll be one happy momma! I'd love to have one of each of my own. Although, Jordan is special too, it would be the world to me to be able to have a boy of my own, so it's pretty clear we are on team blue this time!!

Anyway, with that said, we will be remodeling a room off of my bedroom, that was going to be a bathroom, but will now be turned into a small nursery. So, in the coming months I'll have lots of posts about the new babies room and also lots of baby posts! I'm also going to be having a gender reveal party to find out the sex of the baby in March or April. Lots of stuff to look forward too! :)