September 22, 2012

Going a different route.

I've decided I'm going to start being more candid about my life on my blog. I don't really get into anything personal but I'd like to start. I constantly find myself not knowing what to blog about. So, I thought I'd open up about my life more and our journey to get pregnant. With that being said let me explain a little about what's happened this far.

Over two years ago I had the IUD (aka Mirena) removed. I was told by my doctor that it shouldn't take me long maybe three months and I'd end up pregnant. I also read online from other women that it happened quick for them too. It's now over 2 years later and countless negative pregnancy tests. I can't even tell you how disappointing and heartbreaking it is month after month to see negative results.

After 6 months with no menstrual cycle (I'm irregular but have never gone more than 3 months) I honestly thought something was crazy wrong with me. Could it be my uterus? Maybe my thyroid? I didn't know. I sat in bed one night and with tears running down my face expressed my worries to Paul about it. He told me to call the dr first thing the next morning and schedule an appointment to be checked out. Mind you, I'd already taken 3 HPT and all were negative. So, I knew deep down I wasn't pregnant.

Finally, after three long weeks of waiting for my appointment to see the dr, I expressed to him my worries and how I'd been interested in fertility drugs to move this process along. He agreed that fertility drugs were the next step in my journey. We also did blood tests on my thyroid, uterus, etc. All the tests came back perfect. There is thankfully nothing wrong with me & I have no cancer. I was so relieved.

Next week, I start my first round of Clomiphene, a fertility drug that I've done lots of reading about and have read lots of positive success stories from woman who have gotten pregnant from their first round! So, I'm feeling positive about this next step and I hope with everything in my body that this is finally what will help us in becoming pregnant! Fingers crossed.